A small selection of shots from a trip to the summer isles on the rugged west coast of Scotland. I was there to help conduct a series of seabed habitat surveys following an illegal dredging incident in 2019. We want to see how far the habitat has recovered if any. We must continue to protect habitats like those off the coastal waters of Scotland, It provides juvenile fish a place to thrive and grow in the beautiful maerl beds, a coralline algae that is perfect for the upbringing of young fish species.
Open Seas, the ENGO working to help support the protection of our seas is conducting these surveys over several years to show a timeline of the destruction and impact dredging our seabed can have. You can find out more at openseas.org.uk
Capt. Robin with a cuppa
The brisk blue of the Summer Isles
Mads St Clair assisting with the navigation of the St Vincent.
Capt. Robin aboard the beautiful St Vincent, a restored herring lugger.
Innes - Deckhand